Gain The Knowledge you Need to Succeed

What's important to us? Cooperative Economics, Community Growth, and Collective Initiative. As our business and economic communities begin to thrive, we look to provide a fast track for our businesses to collaborate and combine


Building our families providing them with the support systems they need to further the development of our communities, we are able to stand firm and claim our standing in the world


Any concept of change must be backed up by information. Every project designed for advancement is thourougly researched and customized to fit individual, familial, and community goals. We create systems of growth and prosperity that are scalable, reliable and reusable.


Understanding the dollar as well as other world currencies and how markets operate is key to the beginning of our movement. The power in circulating the Black dollar within and between ourselves cannot be understated.


To become proficient in starting, running, and growing businesses that employ our people and allow all of us to be able to provide something to our own family, community, and industry.

Improve your mindset

Our people have endured many things, but this has left us sick and unhealthy in the mind and the worst part is we don't even know it. If you don't believe me, see how hard it is to start a financial project with another brother or sister and there will be trust issues early on. Learn how you can get past the struggles and stigmas that keep us from making progress!

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Generational Wealth family learning and teaching financial literacy

The family breaks it down!
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Our Work

No problem is too difficult to tackle when broken down into managable parts, any goal is achievable when separated into digestable milestones. We use strategy to move mountains so that you share in the strength created by using our numbers in spiritual, intellectual and economic growth.


No matter which religion you chose to follow, your spiritual health dictates the health of other aspects of your life.

Know Thyself

In order to begin taking steps it is necessary to understand how you walk.

How to Disagree

Working in a group requires a mindset that allows you to be functional whether you agree or disagree with an idea.


The best way to obtain information is still to read as much as you can (i.e. books, news papers, publications, etc.)


Collaboration and Communication is sharing information with peers or within groups and is a good way to circulate information!

Using Search Tools

Learn how to use popular search tools like Google to quickly get you to what you need.

Research and Citation

Learn how to perform proper research and use citations.

Theories and Proofing

Learn how to construct and evaluate your own theories and be able to support your proofs.

Creating Information Streams

Learn how to construct your infomation streams or feeds for others to consume. This helps to improve your image as an authority in an area of knowledge.

Social Media

Learn how to cultivate your social media presence. This helps to improve your digital footprint or presence.






Group Function

Collective Bargaining

Nation Building

Testimony 1

Testimony 2

Testimony 3

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